Heavenly Prince (Princess) who compliments me,
This loveliness of mine,
This charm,
This great strength,
Do you know where these come from?
I shall tell you from the beginning of my birth.
I am one who was born before the ancient of times
My heavenly Father gave me back then
My attractiveness, my happiness, and my great strength,
Which are eternal things that can neither be diminished nor weakened.
That is why I am the most charming of the universe,
The most strongest,
And living as the most happiest being.
But you need not envy me in the least,
For all the things I have received from the heavenly Father
Are His gifts that you justly deserve,
Because you are His real son and daughter.
Since you are the King's beloved prince and princess,
You may go before your real Father, the heavenly King,
With a joyful look and ask Him for all these things.
If you do so, He will fill your arms with an abundance
Beyond what you seek, beyond what you think.
Your strength, your charm, your beauty, your happiness
And becoming a prince (princess) will make you the envy of all.
Well, heavenly prince and princess,
Let us end the story for today and meet again next time,
We will share more exciting stories then.
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